Friday, April 29, 2011


Getting a custom wheelchair is proving to be a pain the arse!  The insurance company needs a prescription for the wheelchair or they won't even consider covering it.  So, the wheelchair company faxes the Orthopedic Specialist to get an Rx...............his office then calls the wheelchair company almost a week later and says "We don't do this, we sent it to Braiden's primary pediatrician."   WHAT!? You are a flippin' Orthopedic put people in wheelchairs on a daily basis for the love of God!  And, it took you and your staff almost a freakin' week to figure this shit out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just want my kid to have a wheelchair the is appropriate for know, with arm and leg rests that are made for a kid NOT AN ADULT! 


  1. No worries......I did not flip out at any Doctor or anything. That's part of what this blog is I can vent and let out my frustrations.

  2. Well, our primary pediatric clinic is totally awesome. And, I told her so :o) They got the form filled out and faxed AND they called to confirm that Mobility Matters recieved the fax all in a matter of 40 minutes.
