noun, verb, quipped, quip·ping.
1. a clever or witty remark or comment.
"Please God, I love all the persons, I would like a girlfriend so I can kiss her."
Braiden: "I want to see a tidal wave."
Sebaztian: "Braiden, a tidal wave is a Tsunami! Those are dangerous."
Braiden: "I want to see a salami."
Braiden trying to convince me to let him watch a movie....
"I'm crabby, I'm tired and I wanna watch a movie!"
Braiden is "Working out" yet again, he pauses and asks.....
Braiden :"Mommy, can you get me a paper towel?"
Mommy: "What for?"
Braiden: "For when I get sweaty I can wipe it off."