Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby steps........

As I had mentioned in my last post the first PT session was not very successful.  We have made small progress yesterday and today.....when the walker was delivered Braiden did bring himself to standing using the walker....YES!  And, just a few moments ago he traveled about 5 feet with his walker.....double YES!  However, both were done with some degree of panic.....LOL.  That's just how Braiden is, he doesn't just get nervous, he panics until he realizes he is doing it.  It's quite entertaining really, his facial expression goes from panic to joy to panic to get the idea :o)  Baby steps...literally.  The goal is to have him using the walker around the house and putting 25% of his weight on his right leg to build bone strength.  His next PT appointment on Tuesday will focus on teaching him what 25% weight is.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Casts off!

It was an interesting 3 hours at the Doctors today.  Braiden had us all in tears from laughing so hard while he was getting his cast cut off....he calls it the tickle machine ;o)  His legs were all dry and itchy and one of them has a rash, but, he took a very long bath when we got home, I scrubbed his legs and the skin seems to be much better.   X-Ray looked good, the Dr. said it was healing well.  Then there was the Physical Therapy......  Braiden was pretty overwhelmed and scared and his arches kept cramping up on him.  So no walker quite yet.  He has another a PT appointment next week, hopefully that will be more successful.  We have many exercises to do in between appointments. 

T-minus 2 hours and counting.....

Just 2 hours to Braidens surgery follow up appointment and cast removal.  I am as nervous as I am excited.  I can't wait to get the casts off, but seeing that the last office visit (not hospital) he had did not go as I expected....I am a bit anxious.  I really don't know what to expect....I'll post an update when we get back.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anyone like Roller Coasters?

3 weeks down and 1 to go!!!!!  Yahoo!!!!  The follow up appointment is next Thursday, and I think it could go without saying (I'm going to anyways) we can hardly wait.  I admit time has gone by faster than I thought it would and both kiddos have been super amazing.  Braiden has been sleeping a bit more and eating a bit less, which seems normal to me.  His body needs the extra rest and he's been pretty immobile so he doesn't need as much food (kinda nice for a change).  He hasn't taken anything for pain since his third day home, so that is great!  He has been tolerating being dependent on everyone pretty well, not too much crankiness and his patience level has certainly grown (not a strength of his) and, if I'm being honest, my patience level is growing also (most days).  Sebaztian has been remarkable, little to no jealousy or irritation over how much of my time Braiden has been getting.  In fact, he has been a super helper, he is really serving his family well in this challenging time.  Many times if Braiden asks for something and I start to get up, Sebaztian will stop me and go do it for me.  He does from time to time seem to get overwhelmed by it all, he pushed Braiden off the couch once and he can be more sensitive than normal (he's a sensitive kiddo as it is).  But, all in all they both have been awesome!

 I've been asked many times "So, will this take care of it? Will everything be all good now?"  The truth is nobody knows.  He will have at least one more surgery in a year or so to remove the plate and screws, that's about the only I know for sure.  No two cases of Perthes are's just unpredictable.  He is still in the fragmentation stage (dead bone being reabsorbed) the bone hasn't started growing back yet.  So, we still have  a ways to go.

It was exactly 1 year ago today that Braiden was diagnosed with Perthes.  Talk about a roller coaster ride and a good one at that totally gets your adrenaline up, makes you dizzy and then slows down and when you least expect it, it hits you with some serious loop-de-loops making you completely disoriented and out of sorts.  Oh, and it seems to never end.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life the last few days....

I updated "The Plan" page with the surgery and hospital stay.

Braiden has done quite well since we've been home.  He is such a strong little man.  He has had no pain meds today or yesterday....WOW.  He has been very well behaved so far.  Last night was the first time he was cranky at all and I can't really blame him.  He was getting bored and when it was bedtime he wanted to sleep on his side and then he was was a rough evening.  It's quite challenging for me to try and get anything done...I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself.   I have made a count down for Braiden to mark off the days so he can see how much longer he has in the cast, he really likes this :o)  That's all for now......

Outside soaking up some sun

Keeping an eye on our new little friend and blowing bubbles with big brother and the neighbor girls.

Friend found on our walk

I have been going on a walk or just getting outside with Braiden at least once a day.  This really helps with getting restless.  On our walk yesterday we found this cute little guy in the middle of the street.

Custom Design by daddy

Bath and tummy time

Bath time......